UTAUWikiTale Wiki


Following the layout of Waterfall, these pages float on top of a sea of ink. The sky is visible for the first time in the Wiki. The sky itself is black in colour with a bright green grid pattern. It's from these green lines that the ink falls. Echo Flowers are replaced by folded blog pages that speak their text when interacted with. A river flows through this area, connecting it to The Average Pages 1 and The Greater pages.

Role in the Wiki[]

This area contains the slightly more popular pages than Average Pages 1 and is where the blog pages are.

Characters who first appear here[]

Main cast[]

  • Bone Apetit

Minor cast[]

  • ZombieClub

Items obtained here[]

Name Item it replaces Type
Tattered Dungarees Old Tutu Armour
Rose-tinted Glasses Cloudy Glasses Armour
Echo Chamber Temmie Armour Armour
Steel Toed Shoes Ballet Shoes Weapon
Torn Sketchbook Torn Notebook Weapon
? Dog Residue Thing
? Punch Card Thing
? Artifact Key
? Abandoned Quiche Consumable
? Astronaut Food Consumable
? Crab Apple Consumable
? Sea Tea Consumable
? Temmie Flakes Consumable
? Dog Salad Consumable